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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2012, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (04) : 394 -401. doi: 10.3877/cma. j. issn.1674-0807.2012.04.006


毛莹1, 邹天宁1,(), 杨庄青1, 张季1   
  1. 1.650118 昆明,云南省肿瘤医院乳腺病科,云南省乳腺癌临床研究中心
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-15 出版日期:2012-08-01
  • 通信作者: 邹天宁
  • 基金资助:

Change of CK19 expression in peripheral blood of breast cancer patients before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and its clinical significance

Ying MAO1, Tianning ZOU,1(), Zhuang-qing YANG1, Ji ZHANG1   

  1. 1.Department of Breast Diseases, Tumor Hospital of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650118, China
  • Received:2012-03-15 Published:2012-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Tianning ZOU

毛莹, 邹天宁, 杨庄青, 张季. 新辅助化疗前后乳腺癌患者外周血细胞角蛋白19表达变化及其临床意义[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2012, 06(04): 394-401.

Ying MAO, Tianning ZOU, Zhuang-qing YANG, Ji ZHANG. Change of CK19 expression in peripheral blood of breast cancer patients before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and its clinical significance[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2012, 06(04): 394-401.


探讨细胞角蛋白(CK)19 在乳腺癌新辅助化疗前后表达的变化及其临床意义。


采用实时定量RT-PCR 技术检测86 例乳腺癌患者新辅助化疗前后外周血CK19 mRNA 的表达变化,将30 例乳腺良性疾病患者和20 例健康体检志愿者作为对照。 对非正态分布或方差不齐的数据采用Wilcoxon 非参数秩和检验,用中位数±百分位数之差[M(QR)] 表示,计数资料组间采用χ2 检验。


新辅助化疗前乳腺癌患者外周血中CK19 mRNA 阳性表达率为32.56% (28/86),与腋窝淋巴结转移、临床分期有关(分别P<0.001);而新辅助化疗后阳性表达率为13.95% (12/86),化疗前后CK19 mRNA 表达差异具有统计学意义(P=0.004);新辅助化疗后CK19 mRNA 阳性表达的患者中,57.14%(16/28)获得临床完全缓解成部分缓解,低于CK19 mRNA 阴性患者的93.10%(54/58),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),这提示CK19 mNRA 表达水平变化可能与新辅助化疗疗效有关。


CK19 可作为新辅助化疗疗效判定的早期预测指标之一。


To investigate the expression change of CK19 in breast cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and its clinical significance.


Using real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR), CK19 mRNA expression in peripheral blood of 86 patients with breast cancer were detected before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, with 20 healthy individuals and 24 patients with benign breast lesions as controls. The data with non-normal distribution or heterogeneity of variance were processed using Wilcoxon nonparametric rank sum test, expressed as M(QR).χ2 test was performed for numeration data.


The positive rate of CK19 mRNA in peripheral blood before neoadjuvant chemotherapy was 32.56%(28/86), which showed a correlation with lymphatic metastasis and clinical stages(P<0.001). But it decreased to 13.95% (12/86) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, which was significantly lower than that before neoadjuvant chemotherapy (P=0.004). After neoadjuvant chemotherapy, 57.14%of the patients(16/28)with CK19 mRNA positive expression showed complete or partial remission, significantly lower than 93.10% (54/58)in the patients with CK19 mRNA negative expression(P<0.001), which suggested that the change of CK19 mRNA expression may correlate with neoadjuvant chemotherapy response.


CK19 can be used as an early predictor of neoadjuvant chemotherapy efficacy.

图1 CK19 熔解曲线
图2 CK19 扩增曲线荧光定量PCR 反应的荧光阈值
图3 内参基因β-actin 扩增曲线荧光定量PCR 反应的荧光阈值
图4 内参基因β-actin 熔解曲线
图5 CK19 标准曲线
图6 内参基因β-actin 标准曲线
表1 CK19 mRNA 表达与乳腺癌临床病理特征之间的关系
表2 新辅助化疗前与2 个化疗周期后CK19 mRNA 阳性例数的变化
表3 新辅助化疗前与2 个周期化疗后CK19 mRNA 表达水平的变化
表4 CK19 mRNA 的表达与临床疗效关系
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